Notice to Vacate

How to Request a Notice to Vacate Form:

  • Log in to your online portal
  • Click on “Contact Us”
  • Under “Contact Options,” click on the “Request Notice to Vacate” form
  • Complete the form and submit
  • For any questions, you may contact, or call our office at


*This is only a REQUEST of a notice to vacate form. You will receive your form approximately 24 hours after your request has been submitted.*

*All adult leaseholders (co-signers exempt) need to sign this Notice to Vacate form. Please list your full current address and full forwarding address on the form, including: unit #, city, state, and zip code.*

The majority of leases require two full calendar months where the Notice to Vacate activates on the first of the following month. The Notice to Vacate must be submitted two calendar months before moving out to ensure it is submitted before the first day of that month.

For example, if you want to move out on December 31st, you would need to submit the notice to vacate by October 31st.

*If tenants have selected and signed a month to month lease renewal, they cannot move out between Nov. 1st and March 31st.*

After your Notice to Vacate is completed, please contact the office to learn how to complete the move out process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When should I sign and complete my Notice to Vacate form?

    You can submit your notice to vacate at any point in the month as long as it is 2 full calendar months before your intended move out date or lease expiration. We suggest that you submit it between the 20th - 25th of the month in order to give our office processing time. The Notice to Vacate starts on the 1st of the following month that you sign it. 

  • I submitted my Notice to Vacate and was approved. What do I do next?

    You can now start the move-out procedures. Please contact the office to see a detailed step-by-step process of how to move out properly. It is important that you follow all of the directions so that you can receive your full security deposit.

  • I am on a month-to-month lease. Do I still need to give a full 2 calendar month Notice to Vacate?

    Yes! You still need to give the proper amount of time according to your lease (usually 60 days) for your Notice to Vacate. Check your lease in case you need to give more time.

  • I have submitted my Notice to Vacate, but I want to move out before my official move out date. What am I responsible for?

    You are able to move out before your move-out date. You must notify the office that you are doing this and you must return your keys. You are also financially responsible for the rent and other payments until your lease official ends.

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